Modified Version … the word confuses You…? A modified version of an app is a custom or own developed version of the app, does not have link to the official app. GBWhatsApp APK is the modified version of the original WhatsApp, offers you the same functionalities and features. GBWhatsApp APK: Download APK, iPA & Windows GBWhatsApp APKīefore you starts using it with blind eyes, you must know about GBWhatsApp, how it works and how it solves your problem…? If you do not interested then skit the whole article and reach over the download button and descargar GBWhatsapp in your phone. Now, you can manage your personal contacts in official WhatsApp and your other contacts in whatsApps mod apk. After installing it in your phone you will be able to use two WhatsApps in your phone at the same time. GBWhatsApp – same or ditto copy of Whatsapp but with some extra functionalities and features, install in you smartphone while you already have official Whatsapp in your smartphone.